Zydeco Dancehall Concert Coming to Farmington on January 22, 2016
PARK HILLS – With Mardi Gras coming a little earlier this year – February 9 – revelers will have a chance to get a jump on the celebration.
Mineral Area Council on the Arts will host a Zydeco Dancehall Concert on Friday, January 22 at Alexander’s Ballroom at the Factory in Farmington. Individual tickets are $10, available at Eventbrite.com or at the door. The evening begins with dance lessons at 6:45 p.m., followed by live music by the Boudin Brothers at 7:30 p.m. The evening is sponsored by 573 Magazine.
Tickets may be purchased online at Eventbrite.com or from Arts Council Executive Director Danielle Basler, (573) 518-2125. More information may be found at www.MineralAreaArts.org.
“Alexander’s is such a great venue for a Zydeco dance, with the wooden floors and retro surroundings,” Basler said. “And the Boudin Brothers have quite a following in St. Louis, we’re very fortunate to get them to Farmington to help us shake off the cabin fever and stomp our feet to some traditional Creole music.”
Basler said tickets are still being sold for the World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra concert on Thursday, Feb. 11, at 7 p.m. Reserved seating is $17.50, but discounted pricing is available for groups of 10 or more. Tickets may be purchased at the Farmington Civic Center or charged by phone at (573) 756-0900. The performance is being sponsored by the arts council and the City of Farmington.
“Plenty of good seats are available, but this is a real, not-to-be-missed performance, so it’s a good idea to get tickets as soon as possible,” Basler said.
For more information on these and other arts council programs, check out www.MineralAreaArts.org. Financial assistance for this project has been provided by the Missouri Arts Council, a state agency.

Date and Time
Friday Jan 22, 2016
7:30 PM - 10:00 PM CST
Friday, January 22, 2016
7:30 p.m.
Alexander's Ballroom
In the Factory
Farmington, MO 63640
Tickets - $10 Per Person
Available at Eventbrite.com or at the Door
Contact Information
Danielle Basler, (573) 518-2125
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