What's Your ''Pain Points''? CS Design Wants to Know!
A “pain point” is a recurring problem that disrupts processes and inconveniences users or customers, typically with a product or service. The CS Design team wants to hear from YOU on where you might be experiencing pain within your marketing initiatives and provide insight on how to treat your symptoms to heal. Click the link below to submit your pain points, and as a bonus, you will be entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card! The more pain points you submit, the greater your chance of winning! Submit
How to Win at Content with AI
AI is one of the most efficient tools we’ve seen since the advent of the computer. But if you’re using it to generate content and then just copying and pasting, you’re missing out. And that kind of “laziness” could be costing you customers. Here’s how a couple of quick edits can bring your AI-generated content from meh to aaaamazing. First, we’re going to assume you can write a good solid prompt. Telling AI what role you want it to have (you are a brilliant small business owner, for example), who