Young Faith in Christ
Faith-Based MinistryBible Clubs & MentoringSK8 Park
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Skate Park: Monday - Saturday
3:00 p.m. - Dark, Spring - Fall
Driving Directions:
Located directly behind the Farmington Police Department
About Us
The mission of YFC is to give every young person in the Parkland an opportunity for a path to success by providing mentors to encourage and accept; and bible club leaders who share the love of Christ.
Rep/Contact Info

Joshua Kennon
Chairman of the Board
- Phone: (573) 747-1705
- Send an Email
- PO Box 765 Farmington MO 63640
DeAnna Mills
Office & Bible Club Coordinator
- Phone: (573) 747-1705
- Send an Email
- PO Box 765 Farmington MO 63640
Fairlight Renaud
Office Assistant
- Phone: (573) 747-1705
- Send an Email
- PO Box 765 Farmington MO 63640