Kevin Ball Auto Body & Sales, Inc.

Auto Body RepairAuto RepairAuto Sales - Used
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday
Driving Directions:
Along the Highway 67 Southbound Outer Road in Leadington.
About Us
When your vehicle is in need of repairs, you need a collision repair facility you can trust. You can feel confident that your vehicle is in capable hands and will be returned to its pre-accident condition at ...
Complete Collision Repair | Free Estimates – No appointment necessary!! | Frame straightening & unibody repair |
Windshield replacement & installation –RV Windshields too!! | Paintless dent removal | Expert paint matching with Environmentally Friendly Waterborne Paint | Fiberglass gel coat repairs for watercraft & RVs | Written Warranty | Rental Car Services | Auto Detailing
KEVIN BALL AUTO BODY will provide a free estimate for your vehicle repair, paint or other auto body need. We are a Preferred Repair Facility for many major insurance companies which means you will only be required to have our estimate and you can schedule your vehicle for repairs immediately!!
We have worked hard to earn the reputation for this region's most dependable auto body repair center. Our dedication to customer service and satisfaction has kept us in the forefront of our industry since our first year in business over two decades ago.
Visit our facility just off Highway 67 in Leadington. If you prefer you can contact us by phone at 573-431-2767 or online. We look forward to hearing from you.

Rep/Contact Info
Bob Monks
- Phone: (573) 431-2767
- Fax: (573) 431-5997
- Send an Email
- 100 East Woodlawn Drive Leadington MO 63601