Downtown Park Hills Association

Civic OrganizationsNon Profit Organizations
The DPHA Meets the 2nd Friday of Each Month at 12:00 noon in the Park Hills Council Chambers.
About Us
The Downtown Park Hills Association is an organization supported by the downtown businesses of Park Hills. Decisions are made at these meetings that reflect interests of local businesses as well as information sharing of events such as the Downtown Park Hills Trunk N Treat, Central Rebels Homecoming Parade, Meals on Wheels - Cruisin’ For A Cause, and more!
Some of the benefits of becoming a Downtown Park Hills Association Member include:
* Opportunity for cooperative marketing
* To protect and enhance your investment in downtown
* To elevate your company’s visibility through meetings and events
* To contribute to the shaping of the future of downtown
* Networking with other businesses
* Coordination of events between the City and Downtown Businesses
* Opportunity for tax credits, grant applications or other funding mechanisms for downtown to be used for a cooperative effort
Projects by the Downtown Park Hills Association currently in progress include:
* Beautification Efforts with the hope of adding planter pots and/or hanging baskets along West Main Street
*The Creation of a Historic Preservation Committee with local, state, and possibly national recognition to help preserve the history of our area and create grant and funding opportunities for building improvements
The goal of the Downtown Park Hills Association is to promote the central business district, concentrating on various activities dealing with the commercial and civic. The organization is to create interest in the city to enhance sales and community bonding.

Rep/Contact Info

B104 Radio
Broadcast & Media Production Company
- Phone: (573) 431-1000
- Send an Email
- 804 St. Joe Drive Park Hills MO 63601

City of Park Hills
City Government
- Phone: (573) 431-3577
- Send an Email
- 9 Bennett Park Hills MO 63601

Harps Food Stores
Grocery Store
- Phone: (573) 431-1702
- Send an Email
- 301 TJ Stewart Drive Park Hills MO 63601

Hulsey Properties
Real Estate Company
- Phone: (573) 631-6199
- Send an Email
- 407 East Main Street Park Hills MO 63601

Leadbelt PowerSports
Motorcycle & ATV Dealership
- Phone: (573) 431-3690
- Send an Email
- 1400 Woodlawn Drive Farmington MO 63640

Old Mine House Pub & Grill
Bar & Grill
- Phone: (573) 327-8822
- Send an Email
- 235 West Main Street Park Hills MO 63601

RaeCole's Coffee Bar
Coffee Shop
- Phone: (573) 431-3577 Ext. 37
- Send an Email
- 9 Bennett Street Park Hills MO 63601

RiverSide Grill
- Phone: (573) 327-4199
- Send an Email
- 7 East Main Street Park Hills MO 63601

The Factory Diner: Park Hills
- Phone: (573) 518-0161
- Send an Email
- 239 West Main Street Park Hills MO 63601

The River Worship Centre
Place of Worship
- Phone: (573) 431-9200
- Send an Email
- 300 West Main Street Park Hills MO 63601

Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce
Chamber of Commerce
- Phone: (573) 431-1051
- Send an Email
- 12 Municipal Drive Park Hills MO 63601

Not Just Comix
Comic Bookstore
- Phone: (573) 431-3577 Ext. 37
- Send an Email
- 339 West Main Street Park Hills MO 63601

First State Community Bank
- Phone: (573) 431-7400
- Send an Email
- 365 West Main Street Park Hills MO 63601

Copper Fox Contrived
Flower & Wood Shop
- Phone: (573) 327-9582
- Send an Email
- 361 W. Main Street Park Hills MO 63601

Southeast Economic Develoment Fund
Small Business Assistance
- Phone: (573) 431-4296
- Send an Email
- 5 Municipal Drive Park Hills MO 63601

All Occasions Hall
Banquet & Reception Hall
- Phone: (573) 701-8019
- Send an Email
- 316 West Main Street Park Hills MO 63601

Mineral Area Office Supply
Office Supply Store
- Phone: (573) 431-4777
- Send an Email
- 331 West Main Street Park Hills MO 63601

Park Hills Public Library
Public Library
- Phone: (573) 431-4842
- Send an Email
- 16 S. Coffman Park Hills MO 63601