Women Owning Woodland - Virtual Lady Landowner Lunch
Grab your lunch and join us at the computer for conversation to help you have healthier forests and wildlife on your property!
All sessions start at noon and end at 1 pm.
- May 4th - Invasive Plants Revisited - Learn about some lesser-known or new invasive plant species in Missouri to watch for and treat.
- May 11th - Snakes! Learn about the snakes of Missouri and how to ID them.
- May 18th - The Importance of Dead Trees - Learn about the value of den trees and the wildlife that use them.
- May 25th - Spring Wild Edibles - Learn to identify and collect plants that are found in spring in Missouri.
Cost: FREE
Contact: Sarah Havens, havenss@missouri.edu, 573-458-6260
Date and Time
Tuesday May 4, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Contact Information
Sarah Havens 573-458-6260
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