Ribbon Cutting & Open House - Mineral Area Fine Arts Academy

You're invited to attend a Ribbon Cutting and Open House for the new Mineral Area Fine Arts Academy on Saturday, August 14, 2021. We typically don't host ribbon cuttings on a Saturday, however, this event is special; all FOUR of your local chambers - Park Hills - Leadington, Desloge, Farmington, and Bonne Terre - are all joining forces to celebrate the opening of the Mineral Area Fine Arts Academy with a Joint Ribbon Cutting!
The ribbon cutting and open house will be held on the Mineral Area College campus in the Fine Arts Facility located at 5270 Flat River Road in Park Hills. The ribbon cutting will take place at 9:30 a.m. with the open house continuing until 2:00 p.m. Meet the teachers, sign up for classes, and take tours of the facility. Tours will be given hourly begin at 10 a.m. through 2 p.m.

Date and Time
Saturday Aug 14, 2021
9:30 AM - 2:00 PM CDT
This is a free "relationship building" event, designed to welcome new businesses, industries, and organizations to the community, as well as congratulate those who have moved, changed ownership, or experienced other major improvements or alterations to their company or organization.
Contact Information
Tamara Coleman: 573-431-1051
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