October 2024 Investor Meeting
You're invited to the October Investor Meeting!
Please join us on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. at The White Magnolia Banquet Hall in Leadington for lunch!
This month, we will be meeting Central School's new Associate Superintendent, Zech Payne!
Associate Superintendent Payne will be telling us a little bit about himself and his goals for the Central School District!
This Month's Menu:
Catered by The Pasta House! Mostaccioli, Pasta Con Broccoli, Salad, Rolls, Dessert, Tea & Lemonade.
- Lunch must be purchased in advance.
- For catering purposes, NO LATE LUNCH RESERVATIONS will be accepted.
- Investors may request to be invoiced, however, payment will still be expected for any invoiced reservations that are not canceled by FRIDAY, BEFORE MEETING.
- Payment is expected AT REGISTRATION TIME for all NON-Chamber Investors.
If your schedule changes last minute and you are unable to attend, we encourage you to send a guest to attend in your absence. A reservation count, including yours, is sent to the caterer at 12 NOON the Friday before the event, therefore, payment is required.
Monthly investor meetings provide Chamber investors with a variety of information through guest speakers. Topics range from small business information to governmental issues and assistance to community interests. Monthly meetings keep investors abreast of current chamber happenings and provide an excellent networking opportunity.
PHOTO RELEASE NOTICE: When you attend a Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce event, you enter an area where photography, audio, and video recording may occur. By entering the event premises, you waive all rights to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any use via advertising, web, social media, televising, or other publication of these materials. You also waive any right to inspect or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by the Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce or the person or entity designated to do so by the Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce. This notice serves as your consent, waiver of liability, and release upon entering the event. Please let our photographer or another staff member know if you prefer not to be photographed. Thank you for attending this Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Signature Event!

Date and Time
Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
The White Magnolia Banquet Hall
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