Downtown Park Hills Association - Monthly Meeting

The Downtown Park Hills Association meets monthly. Some of the benefits of becoming a part of the Downtown Park Hills Association include:
- Opportunity for cooperative marketing
- To protect and enhance your investment in downtown
- To elevate your company's visibility through meetings and events
- To contribute to the shaping of the future of downtown
- Networking with other businesses
- Coordination of events between the City and Downtown Businesses
- Opportunity for tax credits, grant applications or other funding mechanisms for downtown to be used for a cooperative effort

Date and Time
Friday Jan 13, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CST
The DPHA typically meets the second Friday of each month at 12:00 p.m. Dates and times do occasionally vary.
There is no cost to attend the public DPHA meetings. Membership in the DPHA is $50 Per Year.
Contact Information
573-431-3577 Ext. 37
Send Email