Dine Out Thursday for United Way at Colton's Grill & Steak House
When you dine out at Colton's Grill & Steak House in Farmington on Thursday, August 20, 2015, a portion of the cost of your meal goes to the United Way of St. Francois County. You pay nothing extra! This applies to all meals throughout the day on "Dine Out" day!
The United Way awards thousands of dollars in grants each year to help meet human needs in St. Francois County!
Found out more about the United Way on our web at www.unitedwayofsfc.org. And be sure to "Like us on Facebook"!

Date and Time
Thursday Aug 20, 2015
Thursday, August 20, 2015
During Regular Business Hours
Colton's Grill & Steak House
1300 Maple Street
Farmington, MO 63640
A portion of the cost of your meal will be donated to the United Way of St. Francois County.
Contact Information
Clay Whitener: 573-760-8929
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