Committee Meeting - Trivia Night
A meeting to begin planning for the 2025 Trivia Night will be held at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 15, 2025.
This meeting will be held in the PARK HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS!
The Trivia Committee Members are responsible for the following items:
- Ensuring adequate sponsorship for the event
- Deciding on food for the event
- Decorations for the event
- Recommending an emcee for the event
- Assisting with the collection of door prizes for the event
- Assisting with the collection of desserts for the event
- Securing judges for the event
- Ensuring adequate volunteers for the event
- Assisting with food preparation for the event
- Any other items necessary for the overall preparation and execution of the event

Date and Time
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM CST
This meeting will be held in the PARK HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS!
Contact Information
Tamara Coleman - 573-431-1051
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