Christmas Parade Bidding Deadline
Official Christmas Parade Sponsor Bids are Due TODAY!
The committee met, and we have some EXCITING new ideas for this year's event, so if you are interested in being this year's, one and only, event sponsor, you need to bid now!
Find everything you need below: Benefits, Requirements, Rules, and the Official Bidding Sheet.
The deadline to submit your SEALED BID is
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 at 4:00 p.m.!
Benefits of Being the Winning Sponsor
The following items are the benefits of being the parade sponsor:
Parade Name: The Annual Christmas Parade will be named in honor of the parade sponsor. For example, the parade name will be: “The Your Business Christmas Parade”. All promotions will also include the words “Hosted by the Park Hills – Leadington Chamber of Commerce”.
Lead Line-Up Spot: The parade sponsor will take the lead spot in the parade, immediately behind the Fire and Police escorts.
Signage: The Park Hills – Leadington Chamber agrees to purchase a banner which displays the parade name to be carried directly in front of the sponsor’s parade entry. The sponsor will be responsible for recruiting individuals to walk and carry the banner in the parade.
Parade Championship Trophy: The Park Hills – Leadington Chamber will purchase a trophy to be given to the best over-all float. This is not a traveling trophy. It is to be kept by the recipient and a new trophy will be purchased annually. The parade sponsor will help choose the winner of the championship trophy. The trophy will include the parade name and year, as well as, the words “Parade Champion”, “Best of Parade”, or something similar. The parade sponsor will assist in delivering the championship trophy to the winner for a promotional photo-op.
Promotion of the Parade Sponsor: The parade name and sponsor recognition will be made in the following manners:
Socially: On all of the Chamber’s social media sites, (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, & Pinterest), including the “official” Christmas Parade Facebook Page, as well as, on numerous Facebook group pages such as “What’s Happening in St. Francois County”, “St. Francois County Events”, “St. Francois County Small Business”, and several more. The combined potential reach of these sites is more than 20,000 individuals!
In Print for Distribution: On all event flyers and printed materials which will be distributed to Central Elementary Students, and throughout Park Hills, Leadington, and surrounding communities. More than 1,000 students will take flyers home to their parents.
Electronically: On the Chamber’s website and online calendar, and in all Chamber newsletters, emails, event announcements, etc. throughout the months of October, November and December.
Radio Promotions: Mentioned on KFMO, B104, KREI, and KTJJ Radio Stations numerous times throughout the months of October, November and December.
The parade sponsor will also have the opportunity to accompany the Chamber Director to the Chamber’s monthly radio interview at KFMO the third Monday in November, and at KREI on the day of the parade.During the interviews, the sponsor will have the opportunity to talk about their participation in the parade, as well as, the opportunity to deliver a short commercial about their business or organization.
Newspaper Promotions: Named in all articles discussing the event in both the Daily Journal’s printed paper and their online edition.
Requirements of the Winning Sponsor
The following items are required from the parade sponsor:
Sponsorship Fee & Bidding Process: The sponsorship fee is determined by a silent bidding process. Businesses and/or organizations will submit their bidding form in a sealed envelope to the Park Hills –Leadington Chamber of Commerce no later than 4:00 p.m. on a date as specified on the official bid form. All bids will be marked with the date and time received. No sealed bids will be opened until the conclusion of the bidding period, 4:00 p.m. on the date as specified on the bidding form. Bids must be no less than $500. Bidders may include a Beginning Bid and a Maximum Bid. A “maximum bid” works as follows: We will automatically bid the correct amount to make you the new highest bidder, up to the maximum figure you specified. If other bidders haven't matched your maximum bid, you may get the item for a lower price. In the event of a tie, the highest bidding participants will be notified of the tie and given the opportunity to increase their bid.
Gift Basket: The parade sponsor is encouraged, but not required, to prepare a gift basket to be given along with the championship trophy and cash prize to the best over-all float in the parade. Items to be included in the gift basket could include promotional items from the sponsoring company or organization; items that relate to the parade theme; candy/food items; gift certificates; etc.
Parade Participation: The parade sponsor is required to provide a parade entry (float, vehicle, etc.) in the parade which will take the lead position of the parade, immediately behind the Fire and Police escorts. The sponsor will also be responsible for recruiting individuals to walk and carry the official parade banner directly in front of the sponsor’s parade entry.
Champion Selection: The parade sponsor is required to consult with Chamber representatives to determine the best over-all float.
Prize Distribution & Photo-Op: The parade sponsor is required to assist Chamber representatives in delivering the championship trophy, 1st place cash prize, and gift basket (if one is provided), to the winner of the best over-all float. The parade sponsor, parade champion, and Chamber representatives will pose for a photo at the time of prize delivery which will be used on the Chamber’s website and social media sites; in the Chamber newsletter; and in the local newspaper.
Cancellation/Refund Policy
Due to promotion of the parade sponsor beginning in October, continuing throughout all of November and the beginning of December, there will be no refund of sponsorship monies, for any reason; even in the event of parade cancellation.

Date and Time
Wednesday Sep 30, 2015
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM CDT
SEALED Bids Due by 4:00 p.m.
Park Hills - Leadington
Chamber of Commerce
12 Municipal Drive
Park Hills, MO 63601
Contact Information
Tamara Coleman: 573-431-1051
Send Email