Cards for Servicemen & Veterans
The Military Mama Network is hosting a Card Making event! Offering the public the opportunity to come make a card for an Active Service Member and/or Veteran.
All materials will be supplied, however, if you have something special you would like to bring, you are welcome to. These can be "Thank You for Your Service", "Christmas" or just "Hello, We are Thinking of You" cards. These cards will go to Active Service Members, both deployed and stateside. They will also be distributed to Veterans in nursing homes, hospitals, homeless shelters, or anywhere they might be. The idea is to let them know they are Not Forgotten and Very Much Appreciated!
This event is for ALL ages!
There will be lots of wonderful volunteers to help anyone if needed and sample cards for ideas.
Several donation jars will be placed around if you you would like to give a donation to help offset the cost of mailing these cards.
We hope to see you there!!
Kim Bailey
Missouri Outreach Coordinator

Date and Time
Saturday Nov 14, 2015
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM CST
Saturday, November 14, 2015
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
VFW Post 5741
Leadington, MO 63601
No cost to participate. Donations welcome.
Contact Information
Kandace Bailey: 573-915-6015