Ambassador Club Meeting

Meeting of the Park Hills - Leadington Chamber Ambassador Club!
Monthly club meetings will help Ambassadors to:
- Stay active in the club
- Build stronger relationships with other Ambassadors
- Stay up-to-date on Chamber happenings
- Learn what they can do to help the Chamber & Chamber staff each month
- Brainstorm, problem-solve, and create new and innovative ways to improve the Chamber and its member benefits
About the Ambassador Program
The Ambassador Program is designed to improve investor participation, networking, relationship building, and appreciation.
Many of our investors already do many of the requirements for this program, however, as an ambassador, you have an opportunity to earn prizes and be rewarded for your chamber participation!
Ambassadors are a select few and must be registered with the Chamber office. If you are interested in becoming an ambassador, find out more and sign up here: Ambassador Program

Date and Time
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM CDT
Contact Information
Tamara Coleman
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