19th Annual Downtown Park Hills Trunk N Treat

You're invited to participate in the 19th Annual Trunk N Treat, hosted by the Downtown Park Hills Association. Local businesses and organizations meet in downtown Park Hills to decorate their vehicles and pass out candy to area trick-or-treaters.
This year's event will again be held in the 300 Block of West Main Street. Trick or Treaters will line up in the Park Hills Municipal Parking Lot!!
This is a free, family fun event, geared toward a safe trick-or-treating experience for area children of all ages!
We have numerous spaces available for area businesses, churches, or organizations to use! Pull in your vehicle, decorate your trunk (or a table), and pass out treats to nearly 1,000 area children! There is no fee to participate, you just have to sign up to reserve your spot! There are approximately 30 spots available! To reserve your spot, email: downtownparkhillsmo@gmail.com, call 573-431-4842, or visit their Facebook Page!
AGAIN 2024!!
Best Dressed Vehicle Contest!!
A $50 CASH PRIZE goes to the Best Dressed Vehicle!! Be sure to decorate your vehicle and/or trunk to participate!
Flyers will be sent home with Central Elementary Students with all treat sponsors listed. Treat sponsors must be registered by October 25, 2024, in order to be included on the flyer. Register today to reserve your spot!

Date and Time
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM CDT
Halloween Night!
Located along the 300 block of West Main Street in Downtown Park Hills.
Contact Information
Tamara Coleman - 573-431-3577 Ext. 37
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