11th Annual City Wide Yard Sale
Park Hills/ Leadington City Wide Yard Sale August 8, 2015.
100 Yard Sales Registered!!
Maps available at the Chamber Office and Park Hills River Mart Wednesday, August 5 - Friday, August 7.
Maps will also be available on Saturday, August 8th ONLY at Park Hills River Mart.
Maps are $1.00 each and include a list of area sales with many of the sales pinpointed on a local street guide, as well as lists of various items for sale.
*Bonus* - each map purchased includes a coupon for a FREE 32 oz. Soft Drink from Park Hills River Mart!!
Visit the Chamber Office at 12 Municipal Drive or Park Hills River Mart at 10 Flat River Drive to purchase a map or call 573-431-1051 for more information.

Date and Time
Saturday Aug 8, 2015
6:00 AM - 6:00 PM CDT
Always the Second Saturday in August.
August 8, 2015 - 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The Communities of Park Hills & Leadington, Missouri.
Maps $1.00 each
Contact Information
Tamara Coleman
Send Email