Welcome to Our New Website!
Welcome to Our New Website!

As the director of an organization as incredible as a Chamber of Commerce, it’s always exciting when things are updated, changed, or improved. The same goes for our new website design! The fresh new look helps us bring notice to some of the things that are important to us!
As you scroll down the homepage, you’ll see several new things including:
- The New Featured Investor Area: This area gives you a quick look at the investor responsible for the month’s First Friday Coffee, Facebook Giveaway, and Luncheon Commercial. Click on their name to learn more about this investor’s products and services.
- The Testimonials Section: This area is near and dear to us because it tells us what we’re doing right! What we are doing to help you, our investors! We appreciate each of you sharing your thoughts and feedback with us. This helps us to make sure we’re doing what we should be.
- Our Elite Partners Area: These investors stepped up and took a chance on this new adventure with us for the first time ever in 2019. Their trust and gratitude are helping us to make sure things such as our Installation Banquet are new and improved this year, along with adding more security to the Scholarship Fund, ensuring that we are able to continue to support our Central High School graduates by assisting them with tuition to one of our local community colleges.
- The Signature Events Section: Find links to the Chamber’s largest upcoming events quickly through these links. You’ll always find those right on the homepage for easy access.
Something else you will find as you navigate our website is a new look to our event, jobs, deals, and news pages, as well as, a new look to each of your pages. You’ll notice on your business or organization page there is a place for each of your reps to include a photo. If you haven’t added those photos to your member center yet, be sure to do that soon, facial recognition is a great way to associate yourself with new and existing clients. If you haven’t yet taken advantage of your many benefits in the member center, you should! This is an excellent way for us to help you promote your exciting business news, upcoming events, and job openings. You can reach hundreds of potential clients just by sharing this valuable information with us.
We hope you are as impressed by our new website design as we are! We are excited to add this as another fantastic 2019 improvement! Be sure to bookmark our page and check back often! Traffic to our site drives traffic to yours!
Tamara Coleman
Executive Director