Battle of the Badges
Event Sponsors
Silver Sponsor
The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce a new event coming to the Parkland on September 9, 2017, called "Battle of the Badges". The event will be held at the brand new Sgt. Darrell S. Cole Memorial Shooting Range at St. Joe State Park.
This event will invite law enforcement from around the State of Missouri to participate in a shooting competition involving handguns and rifles. A limited number of civilian teams will also be invited to participate. There will be a limit of 24 law enforcement teams and 12 civilian teams competing that day. Spectators are also welcome!
As part of our focus to honor our law enforcement officials, we will also be including a "9/11 Remembrance" during the closing ceremonies.
Our main goal for this event is to honor our police and first responders. Our second is to ensure that a significant portion of the proceeds goes into the Chamber's scholarship fund. With this, we plan to create a second, brand new, annual scholarship, which will be given to an individual planning to attend either the Law Enforcement Academy or seek a Criminal Justice degree from Mineral Area College.
We invite you to join us this inaugural year as one of our main sponsors! Sponsors that commit this inaugural year will be granted 1st right of refusal for next year and subsequent years should you see the benefit in this sponsorship!
This event has the potential grow into a multi-day event bringing a substantial number of people to the area both competitors and spectators alike. Getting on board now puts your business out in front of our community and connects you to an exciting event honoring the lives of police and first responders while helping make a difference in the life of a student who seeks to makes a difference themselves!
For more information on becoming a sponsor, contact the Chamber Office, or one of event Chair's, Brad Dush, or Leadington Police Chief, Dustin McKinney.
We are super excited about this brand new event and hope you are too!

Date and Time
Saturday Sep 9, 2017
7:00 AM - 6:00 PM CDT
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Registration 7:00 a.m.
Opening Ceremonies 8:00 a.m.
Closing Ceremonies 5:30 p.m.
Sgt. Darrell S. Cole Memorial Shooting Range
3900 Highway 32 West
Park Hills, MO 63601
Official Registration For This Event Will Open at 8:00 a.m. on March 20, 2017
$200 Per Team of Four
Limited to 24 Law Enforcement Teams
& 12 Civilian Teams
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