Annual Spring Clean-Up in the City of Leadington
The City of Leadington will host its Annual Spring Clean-Up on Thursday and Friday, April 27 & 28, 2023.
Leadington residents may set out discarded items for pick-up during these two days in April. There's no fee to participate and residents are not required to register for pick-up. Just place the items you'd like disposed of in front of your home and City Officials will pick them up!
We WILL Pick Up:
Household Furniture, Trash, Mattresses, Junk, Appliances (No Compressors or Freon)
We will NOT Pick Up:
Vegetative Matter, Tires, Batteries, Hazardous Materials, Paint, Oils, or Construction Debris
Large items must be easily moved by no more than two people.
**Call City Hall at 573-431-5196 for restrictions/guidelines to have large items picked up.

Date and Time
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
City of Leadington
No cost to participate.
Some Guidelines/Restrictions Apply
Contact Information
City Hall: 573-431-5196
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