21st Annual D.A.R.E. Benefit Golf Tournament
The Park Hills Lion's Club is proud to once again be sponsoring the Annual D.A.R.E. Benefit Four Four-Person Scramble Tourney at Terre Du Lac Country Club.
The 21st Annual event will happen on Wednesday, August 3, 2016, with a 1:00 p.m. Shotgun Start.
Enter a team of four for just $300 or sponsor a hole for $100. Entries will be limited to the first 36 teams.
Tourney Information:
- Lunch Available at 12:00 p.m.
- Hole-In-One - Every Hole Has Prizes
- Fight Prizes & Showcase Prizes
- On Course Drinks
- Evening Meal
Past Super Sponsors Include:
- Ameren Missouri
- First State Community Bank
- Save-A-Lot
- Southeast Missouri Behavioral Health
- Whaley/ Mt. Life Insurance
- Mineral Area College
- Johnson Distributing
- Turner Chevrolet-Cadillac Co., Inc.
To Register:
- Email: hmfaircloths@att.net
- Phone: 573-431-1083

Date and Time
Wednesday Aug 3, 2016
1:00 PM - 7:00 PM CDT
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
1:00 p.m. Shot Gun Start
Terre Du Lac Country Club and Golf Course
1424 Rue Riviera
Bonne Terre, MO 63628
$300 Per Team of Four
$100 Hole Sponsorship
Contact Information
Mary Lee Faircloth: 573-431-1083
Send Email