It’s the tale of an unwilling guest who couldn’t, then he wouldn’t, leave.
The classic comedy, “The Man Who Came to Dinner,” will be performed by Mineral Area College’s Little Theatre Guild at 7 p.m. nightly,Feb. 18-20, in the Fine Arts Theatre at the Park Hills Campus. Tickets are available at the MAC Bookstore or at the door on the night of the performances, and are $7 general admission, or $3 for MAC students and senior citizens.
The play begins as Sheridan Whiteside, world-famous theatre critic and radio star, makes a visit to Mesalia, Ohio, in the weeks leading up to Christmas, to have dinner with the town’s wealthy factory owner and his culture-vulture wife. When “Sherry” slips on a patch of ice outside Mr. Stanley’s house, his injury necessitates his being confined to a wheelchair at the Stanley house. The Stanleys and their young-adult children quickly realize Sherry’s ego and personality has just made their house ten times smaller than it actually is, and hilarity ensues as Sherry manipulates family members, invites all manner of guests – from convicts to movie stars—into his adopted home, and generally wreaks havoc on the family and the town from his wheeled perch in front of the Christmas tree.
Little Theatre Guild’s cast list includes:
Auditions for the guild’s next performance, “The Pajama Game” (performances April 20-23) will take place Feb. 21, 2 p.m., in the Fine Arts Theatre at MAC in Park Hills. Roles are available for 6 men, 8 women. Please be prepared with a one-minute vocal audition. Bring a karaoke disc or sheet music for accompaniment (no lead vocals). A short dance routine will be taught.
Thursday Feb 18, 2016
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM CST
February 18-20, 2016
7:00 p.m. Nightly
Mineral Area College
Fine Arts Theatre
Park Hills, MO 63601
General Admission - $7
MAC Students & Senior Citizens - $3
Chuck Gallaher: (573) 518-2181
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Park Hills-Leadington Chamber of Commerce for more information.
12 Municipal Drive, Park Hills, MO 63601 – (573) 431-1051 –