7th Annual Food and Wine Tasting Fundraiser
House Warming for Habitat Sponsored by Missouri Land Company
Featuring local area wineries, restaurants and catering companies. Wine will be available for purchase by the bottle or the case. Stock up for holiday parties or gifts!
Friday Nov 6, 2015
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM CST
Friday, November 6, 2015
6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Elizabeth Hall 210 East Woodlawn Leadington, MO 63601
$25 Per Person in Advance
$30 Per Person at the Door
Tables of 8 Can Be Reserved in Advance
Linda Dickerson, HFH-SFC Executive Director: 573-760-1702
Send Email
Printed courtesy of www.phlcoc.net/ – Contact the Park Hills-Leadington Chamber of Commerce for more information.
12 Municipal Drive, Park Hills, MO 63601 – (573) 431-1051 – info@phlcoc.net